GIN has been sold to some new wannabe scammers. All but 3 staff let go. Trudeau moved to Martha Stewart type prison!
So after much speculation the sale of GIN has been finalised. You can view the Docket Entry here.
The sale also saw the firing of all GIN staff but three. Those three are the creative developer, one software developer and Lisa Munchowski – customer services.
Not altogether unusual for such a thing to happen. New owners rarely take over a company in its present state and prefer to just piggy-back the name of the brand for a while until they get their feet planted. And to ride comfortably, they often shake-off excess baggage, so to speak.
But can the new owners rebuild GIN to its former glory? Probably not, although they’ll no doubt have some minor success as the GIN rats follow the brand into its new beginnings. Not that I think there will be a long life with the new owners. GIN has lost its edge and now has close competition from previous members, running a similar scam called WIN – World Information Network.
Give me a freakin’ break!
During this interim changeover, Kevin Trudeau has been moved to his new ‘home’.
It seems the USA has gone soft on criminals. While some undoubtedly deserve to be inside for harsher crimes such as murder, armed robbery, rape, masquerading as a doctor without any real credentials…those who scam people and steal money should undoubtedly not be treated with indifference.
However, it seems Trudeau has been moved to a luxury style prison, similar to the one Martha Stewart stayed in. Cosmic Blogger Connie Schmidt has more on this story over at her blog.
And while he’s been relatively quiet of late, probably due to being highly embarrassed from being caught up in his own bullshit and lies concerning the suing of Salty Droid, Loony Leonard Coldwell, managed to muster up enough of a squeak to call the owners of, uneducated trailer trash losers.
Again, ironic coming from a man with no real education himself!
I’ve also received the GIN Financial accounts regarding the last 6 – 8 months of GIN and will be posting those up for your research, ahem…soon.
What’s really amusing about Loony Coldwell’s derision of Snopes — besides the fact that he is so uneducated himself, as you pointed out — is that he used, of all things, a WorldTruth.TV source to validate his opinion that the Mikkelsons (who have run Snopes since the mid-1990s) are uneducated and that Snopes is a small-time operation that totally lacks credibility.
WorldTruth.TV is a conspiracy-nut-job site run by a solitary blogger who goes by the name of “Eddie” and won’t even give his last name or anything about his background. All he says is that he has spent 32 years researching a bunch of stuff. He claims the mainstream media dumb down everything (and that he will smarten you right up), but his site is one of the dumbest around… and judging from the fact that Loony likes it, the site attracts dumb people too. Actually it attracts millions — I suppose because people like to see and spread “exclusive” (mis)information. I guess it makes them feel special. (That’s why Trudeau was so successful for so many years.)
In contrast to “Eddie,” the Mikkelsons at Snopes have been forthcoming about who they are and what they do, and they always take care to cite credible sources for their conclusions. They have addressed all of the Snopes-got-Snoped claims, but the memes continue. It’s not surprising that Loony would spread this meme. He has attacked Snopes before, as well as attacking — and threatening — people who cited Snopes on Facebook threads.
As for WHY he has been silent, it could very well be that he is still licking those “salty” wounds. Maybe he has decided that ignoring his critics is the best course. Or perhaps he is cooking up some other hare-brained get-the-critics scheme (no offense to hares or to brains). Another alternative explanation is that despite his boasting about his perpetual good health, he could be battling illness of some sort. That liver surely can’t hold up forever against constant onslaughts by “the elixir of life.”