• Sat. Mar 29th, 2025


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Kevin Trudeau

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Two Weeks In & Liberals Are Crying More Than Ever!

We’re just two weeks in of POTUS 47 being back in charge and man is he ever kicking ass! Mainstream media is trying to ask questions at The White House…

Kevin’s Covid Con!

We live in tumultuous times folks, and in such times, the con-merchants come out in droves, even when they’re still in prison! As you are probably aware by now, the…

Are you ready to be scammed again?

It seems as though there’s never any shortage of gullible people ready to be scammed. And this is clearly something Trudeau is aware of, and preparing for upon his eventual…

Kevin Trudeau prepares for release and a new scam he planned while incarcerated for an old scam!

The new scam will be bigger and bolder than the old scam! It was only a matter of time before KT would be released out into society, and it looks…

Trudeau loses his conviction appeal!

It was a long wait but finally we have the court’s answer to Kevin Trudeau’s appeal to quash his conviction of 10 years! [dropcap]I[/dropcap]n case you missed the original story…

Peter Wink’s NEW Scam & hate filled resentment of his critics…& those pesky LazyMan’s that he swept under the carpet!

Peter Wink hasn’t been in the spotlight much in the past year or so. But he’s recently resurfaced with a new scam, even though he has yet to pay back…

Kevin Trudeau’s BusinessInsider Interview behind bars – by V. Kaine

All posts by guests are guest opinions and or writings. Gintruth.com does not agree or disagree with guest posts but believes in the right to freedom of speech and expression.…

£355,000 in 5 minutes – A Developing Scam by David A.

All posts by guests are guest opinions and or writings. Gintruth.com does not agree or disagree with guest posts but believes in the right to freedom of speech and expression.…

It must be true…because Lenny says so!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people blindly take Leonard Coldwell at his word and don’t even think to ask for proof. His latest claims? He’s on a…

Fools Turn, Diagnose, Fall In Love & offer Fool’s Gold!

HAPPY NEW YEAR GINTruthers! Okay, enough of that…back to business. Scamming never stops, indeed it is more prevalent than ever! [dropcap]I[/dropcap] sincerely hope you all had a great festive season…