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Are you being taken for A-Ryde?

In his latest addition to his scam list, the pimple-faced-sue-happy-clueless-about-business Abe Husein continues his hate campaign against giant share ride magnate Uber, by affiliating with Dashride. [dropcap]A[/dropcap]be Husein continues to…

When ‘Corporate Branding Specialist’ really means ‘Social Media Dummy’

Sarah Julie Barendse is not someone I care about, or care to really write about anymore. But she has compelled me to post up pictures of a recent social media…

Racists get blocked on social media & Uber haters cry into their milk as the world loses iconic heroes

We’re already a few weeks into the new year and 2016 is proving to be rather an unhappy new year for some. The entertainment world has lost iconic beings that…

Abe Husein – wants to be taken seriously as a leader….no, really….

Given the fact that Abe was fired from ride-share company UBER back in August of this year (2015), it baffles me why he is still on his campaign of hate…

Peter Wink’s NEW Scam & hate filled resentment of his critics…& those pesky LazyMan’s that he swept under the carpet!

Peter Wink hasn’t been in the spotlight much in the past year or so. But he’s recently resurfaced with a new scam, even though he has yet to pay back…

Leonard Coldwell – Does he have all the traits of a Nazi sympathiser?

With rants against immigration, refugees and President Barack Obama, could Leonard Coldwell actually be a Nazi sympathiser? You’d be forgiven for thinking so with his recent rants. Yes, my bodyguards…

It must be true…because Lenny says so!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people blindly take Leonard Coldwell at his word and don’t even think to ask for proof. His latest claims? He’s on a…

Coldwell starts a new libel case. Says we’ve all been ‘served’…

So in recent postings, Loony Lenny Coldwell, our favourite lying scumbag fake doctor, states under his false Facebook name – Rudi Kauder – that I’ve been served with court papers…

Having a day off? You’re weak – according to Abe Husein!

Obviously I don’t know what your career or job is, but I’m pretty sure you enjoy a day off once in a while, or even every week or weekend. Who…

Fools Turn, Diagnose, Fall In Love & offer Fool’s Gold!

HAPPY NEW YEAR GINTruthers! Okay, enough of that…back to business. Scamming never stops, indeed it is more prevalent than ever! [dropcap]I[/dropcap] sincerely hope you all had a great festive season…