You decide!
You decide!
Global Informative News Truth
I was going to post quote after quote after quote from some GIN Members who seem quite content to bash this site and me. But then I thought why bother? It’s quite obvious some of you choose to believe what you want to believe, regardless of what anyone says.
So, with that said, I want to clear something up, actually, quite a few things:
Did I learn anything in GIN? Absolutely!
Was GIN a good fit for me? Yes, until the red flags on Trudeau’s actions started going up very fast!
Did I choose to quit GIN? Yes, and it’s a choice I do not regret.
One thing I have found consistent with many people in GIN, many of whom were ‘friends’ until I quit, is the quickness of name-calling, slanderous comments and downright bitchiness! And that’s just the men!
To be perfectly honest, for those of you that do that - I’m quite glad not to be associated with you any more. You do not deserve to be part of this great club called GIN!
My feelings on the leadership is that basically, Trudeau killed it. If he had just left things the way they were, there was a possibility of this year being the best ever. But not delivering on the 2% Platinum bonus; Lazyman orders STILL not being sent after two years!; Hot Leads either not sent, sent late or being repeat leads; goods not being delivered to many members, etc. All this raises concerns.
Telling us that “This company is still in its infancy.” as a means of reasoning why things are slow, is just pure and complete CRAP!!
THREE YEARS in business is NOT ‘infancy’!
THREE YEARS in business means you should have sorted your shit out!
THREE YEARS in business and making $millions of dollars every MONTH, is not ‘infancy’!
The sad thing is, there are many who actually believe KT’s verbal diarrhea! Especially about the 30% Tax bullshit!
Was GIN worth the joining price? Yes, I think so.
Was GIN worth the price of leveling up? HELL NO!! $16,000 to reach Level 5, plus goods, meetings, etc. Not a chance it was worth a fraction of that!
I, like many, joined GIN to learn the ‘Secrets’ as we were told we would - what happened to that?
At the end of the day folks, here’s where I am at with this:
I want to see people get what they paid for. I want to see people not get ripped off any more! I’d like to see a better leadership in the GIN Club with complete and total clarity throughout!
I’d like to see KT deliver on his promises instead of delivering excuses! Sometimes he gets so caught up in his own ego it’s hard for him to remember what he said in the past! The same goes for those who remain in the GIN staff.
It’s laughable that the way some of you behave makes you so blind to your own reality! To think for a minute that everyone needs GIN to live is well, pathetic!
Some of you will choose to believe what you want to believe and that’s fine.
Some of you will choose to bitch about people’s right to freedom of expression and immediately label us as ‘negative’ simply because we choose to make a stand against KT’s malpractices. My suggestion then would be to take your head out of his rear-end so you can see the light.
If you have something to say, positive or negative, send an email and I’ll be happy to post on here. But be warned, if you do decide to be nasty, I will have no problem showing the world who you really are.
Before I go, some of you have emailed me and asked if I’m concerned about all this. A few of you asked if I am not concerned about the cops knocking on my door in the middle of the night. Why would I be? I’m not American and I don’t live in America! And even if I was and did, I would invoke my right to Freedom of Expression. It seems that some of you have a Liberal mentality and would like nothing more than to deny people their right to expression. Well, keep on brushing the reality under the carpet, but don’t complain when it trips you up due to the bulge!
One final point: if anyone in GIN, internally or externally, doesn’t like this site or what I’m doing, I couldn’t care less. I’m not going anywhere and please remember - I don’t scare easily, and the ‘Back’ button is to the top left where you’re free to click and go rant on whatever social platform you use.
At the end of the day, I’d rather be posting success stories of what is happening in GIN, for which I’ll change the name of the site to :0) Until then, do what you have to do and I’ll do what I have to do in order to make sure people see all sides before they make an informed choice whether to join GIN or not, stay in it or not, and know their money is well spent.
Best regards
Bernie O’Mahony aka (Editor, not Neo Anderson)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Let's clear something up...
Get the latest news and views on what is REALLY happening in the Global Information Network (GIN).
Views expressed are not necessarily true but are made under the Freedom of Speech rights in ALL nations.
Views are those of contributors and not necessarily this site unless stated otherwise in the posting.
The below post has been edited to fit this blog!
1. I am not now, nor have I ever been, anti-GIN.
2. I have not at any time, asked or suggested that anyone quit GIN based on MY choice to do so.
3. The purpose of this site was/is to bring to light, the complaints of both current and ex-members.
4. The purpose of this site is to bring awareness to the ignorance of Kevin Trudeau’s handling of such
complaints and concerns and bring people together to see if they can be addressed externally.
5. The purpose of this site is to allow readers their right to express how they feel and to inform others
of their experience(s), suggestions, advice, concerns, questions, etc.
6. The purpose of this site is NOT to discredit GIN or be some kind of resistance movement!
7. The purpose of this site is NOT to have a ‘Them verses Us‘ mentality.
8. All views expressed are those of contributors unless stated otherwise.
9. Names and details may be changed or omitted to protect identities where requested or necessary.
10. Those of you that rant and hate, especially about me, without knowing me, are quite obviously, not
a good representation of what GIN is about.