You decide!
You decide!
Global Informative News Truth
The below post was a recent email sent to Dr.C:
I have friends, family and co-workers that can testify that I was not myself.
In 2011 I was the most unhealthy I have ever been.
I cashed in my 401K of 35,000 and spent it all.
I lost my job of 100,000+ per year.
I have spent over 20,000 because of GIN. More importantly I wasted 2 years of my life being brain washed and deceived by Kevin Trudeau.
I quit my studies through Trump University - $5,000+ based on information provided from Your Wish is Your Command.
I am writing this letter after the recent realization that Kevin Trudeau brain washed me, or used certain speaking patterns to get me and other GIN members to purchase products and services I would never buy.
I joined GIN after listening to Your Wish is Your Command. After listening to the audio, my reason for joining was to learn secrets from the Brotherhood, Skull and Bones, Freemasons, Bilderburg Group and other groups of wealthy influence. (As did many of us - Editor)
Since joining GIN in July 2010 I have earned less money.
Relationships with friends and family declined.
My love life has suffered and my state of mind has been at an all time low.
Please contact me if more information. Before GIN my income was 100,000.00 plus per year.
Since joining 80,000.00 in 2011 and even less this year.
Kevin needs to go and the truth needs to be transparent for the members of GIN.
It is built on lies and deception and incorporated with brainwashing techniques used for sales.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Get the latest news and views on what is REALLY happening in the Global Information Network (GIN).
Views expressed are not necessarily true but are made under the Freedom of Speech rights in ALL nations.
The below post has been edited to fit this blog!