Global Informative News Truth
Global Informative News Truth
Trudeau in Switzerland & not coming back?!
Family member confirms Trudeau’s intention to avoid his court date on November 20th but Kevin Trudeau makes a new video asking for money.
So Nashville came and went and as has already been discussed, was only half the event it was scheduled to be. Along with the ‘went’ part is Kevin Trudeau.
Yes, he is in Switzerland. He flew there immediately after his October 31st court hearing, whereby his equally fraudulent scummy lawyers, were quick to arrange an extension. Still waiting on court documents to see how they managed to wangle their way into keeping him out of prison.
Trudeau hasn’t paid the fine, hasn’t turned over his assets as requested by the courts/FTC and continues to flaunt the law. In the end though, all he’s doing is delaying the inevitable, which is a very long term behind bars.
A family member of Trudeau’s has confirmed that Kevin is in Switzerland and has confirmed his intention of remaining there as long as possible. This means he has no intention of returning to the USA for his scheduled court appearance on the 20th of November.
This is further confirmed with his intention to provide one-on-one training to anyone who pays large sums of money to “shadow” him for an hour to a day!
After one person wrote to him regarding the latest offer in his recently released video, the response was literally comical! I’ll let you watch the video in the link in the above line - or if you already know you are not going to be able to stomach his voice, and can pretty much guess what he is going to say, just read the response he emailed to the person who requested more info:
I have received your email requesting information about one-on-one personal coaching/mentoring/counseling. I have received so many requests. It has been a little overwhelming. I have read every email and you are one of the few people that I am willing to do one-on-one coaching/mentoring/counseling with.
As I mentioned, the fee I would require to charge would be quite high, as my time is so incredibly valuable. I can spend a hour or two working on a project that could make me $100,000.
Heck, I make $10,000 a hour playing baccarat! LOL
So, here are the fees I would require and the various options:
1. One-hour telephone/Skype/in person coaching: $5,000
2. Three separate one-hour telephone/Skype/in person coaching: $10,000
This can be split up over several days or all at one time.
3.One full day coaching/mentoring/counseling in person: $15,000
Day starts at 7:30am for breakfast and concludes 8pm after dinner. Three hours throughout the day are dedicated to personal coaching/mentoring/counseling with you. The rest of the time you simply watching and observe how I operate my life.
4. Six separate one-hour telephone/Skype/in person coaching: $15,000
This can be split up over several days or all at one time.
5. One full day coaching/mentoring/counseling with you and up to five additional members of your family or staff: $20,000
The coaching/mentoring/counseling will take place from 9am to 12pm and then continuing from 2pm-5pm. This can be in person or via telephone or Skype.
My time is extremely limited. This is being offered on a first come first serve basis only. If you are interested, please email Brandy back and she will work out the dates and all the logistics, as well as, payment.
Please confirm receipt of this email and tell us if you are interested in pursuing this now or in the future or if you no longer have any interest.
Looking forward to working with you.
ps- Remember, I will also be doing energy work with you during our time together.
See you at the top!
Kevin Trudeau
Anyone else who has written to Trudeau about his latest ruse to scam money out of you, receives the same identical letter.
No need to harp on about the pricing here - it’s pretty obvious it’s absolutely ridiculous!
He’s read “so many requests” it’s overwhelming for him, but he responded to this particular email, despite receiving sooooo many beforehand and has decided that this is the guy to pick and give his time to.
As you may recall, I stated above that “this is further confirmed” - the training is only going to be held in Europe! Of course, he can safely travel within Europe from Switzerland! He does have an Italian passport (see page 12, paragraph 1) after all, meaning he can travel unrestricted.
The question people would really need to ask themselves is - if you can afford to pay Trudeau $20,000 for 12.5 hours of his time (less if you consider that for a large chunk of it, you’d merely be following him around and watching), fly to Europe and pay for a decent hotel room for a few nights, then you probably don’t need his advice on how to make money!
In short, this is nothing but another attempt by Trudeau, to extract as much money as he possibly can from the gullible. And given that he responded and accepted so quickly, the request from an ex-Gin Member, I would say it looks like there are not so many people being sucked in by his smooth charm and lies anymore. And the response begs the question: if Trudeau can make $100,000 in an hour or two on a project, why doesn’t he do that enough times to make enough money to pay his own fine? Why is he [still] asking people for money otherwise? oh...that’s right...because it’s complete BULLSHIT!
It’s no secret now that a news story will be aired in a couple of days, exposing more fraud and lies about Trudeau. More on that when it happens. Check back here for the video and details on that story early next week.
In the meantime, if you feel sorry for Trudeau, you might want to consider sending him a food parcel or two. In his video, he looks gaunt and pale. Obviously, living on a diet of Swiss Truffles, trying to keep the high life going while shipping more money to his mother-in-law’s bank account in the Ukraine, is having a toll on him, and Bubba’s growing impatient in his cell.
Switzerland, Truffles and a waiting Bubba!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
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