Democrat Ignorance, Lies & Vitriol.
One of the greatest responsibilities for the people of our time is to accept everything that he hears in the pro-government media as a lie and to investigate the truth…
Is the end near for Democrats?
Continuous lies, deceit and fear-mongering – all being revealed. Democrats are treading water and about to sink. Nowadays we have many apps available that are used as news sources, some…
Wear Your Yellow Star With Pride You 2nd Rate Citizen!
============= I couldn’t let October go by without at least one post. It’s been a busy month with the usual family stuff, work and trying to fit in all those…
Trump calls for resignation of fake POTUS Joe Biden after disastrous Afghanistan exit!
============= Play the video below for the whole story:
Biden will forever be remembered as the most useless POTUS in America’s history!
============== As politicians worldwide continue to backtrack on their promises to end lockdowns and mask mandates, Joe Biden shirks all responsibility for the debacle that has been seen worldwide, concerning…
This is HUGE and could set a precedent for all of us!
============ In a landslide win for citizens of Alberta, Canada, masking, mandatory vaccination against the Chy-na virus, quarantine have been quashed by a court decision, after an Alberta citizen was…
The Truth Is Not Conspiracy…
================ Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re well into the summer of 2021. The Olympics in Tokyo and other parts of Japan are well underway, albeit with no big crowds…
From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy FACT!
============= BREAKING NEWS!! After all the rumors and debacles about whether or not the November 2020 USA election was rigged or not, it now appears that news coming out of…
They’re going after the children – It’s time to take a stand, the law be damned!
=========== As I sit in a coffee shop writing this particular post, I’m looking out of the window, across a park, in awe of the beauty of green grass, trees,…
Elitist Double Standards And Bumbling Joe slips further into dementia!
============= What a week it’s been! We just saw the G7 Meeting happen in the UK – you know, that thing where the world’s elite leaders get together and discuss how…