• Sat. Sep 21st, 2024


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  • Peter Wink – Sniveling Snitch tries to avoid prosecution for his fraudulent practices!

Peter Wink – Sniveling Snitch tries to avoid prosecution for his fraudulent practices!

Peter Wink was once in charge of the LazyMan Program. He knowingly with-held thousands of orders and cared not one iota that people lost money! No apologies for the bad…

Where’s my lawsuit, Coldwell?

Just over a week or so ago, Leonard Coldwell, the fake doctor with multiple names (and I’m guessing, multiple personality disorder in tow), stated that he was going to have…

Speaking verds ov visdum, or just plain ol’ Bullshit!?

In the Batman movies, one of Batman’s arch-enemies is ‘Two-Face’, the character which is caring on one side and evil on the other. I’m nominating Leonard Coldwell for the next…

Leonard Coldwell..I mean Rudi..no..I mean..Bernd Klein..what IS your name?

Scroll down for an additional update on this post. Not content with being a revealed liar, Leonard Coldwell (real name Bernd Klein), has taken to posting on Facebook with fake…

IBMS Master’s Society, IBMS, or is it just simply I’M BS?

Coldwell now bullshits potential prospects into believing that his IBMS club has been around for quite some time. I dunno…is 4 weeks a long time? I guess it could be…

Unqualified therapists looking for young, abused women…

Calling all young, vulnerable women in abusive relationships! Beware of these two hucksters who would just love to take you under their wing – for their own, ill-gotten reasons and…

Toy Soldiers (& brainwashed assistants) = Tyranny Busters!!

Leonard and Wink, along with their own version of Charlie’s Angels, want to show you how to defeat the American government. In just one day. For a price. Because only…

Stealing from your former employer is how scammers do business!

Once hired and paid very wealthily by the Global Information Network / Kevin Trudeau, these two clowns have set up in business for themselves, with a similar business model to…

GIN 2013 Cruise – Vital Dead, Coldwell scoffs!

  A self-proclaimed health advocate who taught that you don’t need to eat or drink in order to live, Mony Vital was giving seminars on the cruise on how to…

Crackpot Coldwell Confuses Spam with Hacking

  This self-proclaimed doctor, can’t tell the difference between spam and hacking, but somehow has the ability to determine that he was “hacked” by “a man in Japan”. I almost…