Well, what a roller-coaster of a ride it’s been and continues to be, with the flailing Democrats.
Biden, in true-to-form fashion, has become even more of an embarrassment to the American people and indeed, the free-world! The man can’t string a sentence together unless he’s on drugs; continues to see people or things that aren’t there, and is on par to fall down more times than Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, combined!
Shortly before Trump became POTUS, Dementedocrats were screaming how much he was going to start multiple wars, including WWIII, crash the economy, lose jobs overseas, and kill everyone by suggesting Ivermectin to cure Covid.
Okay, that last one was post-winning the presidency, but liberals just had to blame someone, so why not defame a sitting POTUS and fill the public with bullshit and lies some more?
Ironically of course, all of the above did not happen under Trump, but has been the case under the utter lunacy and dumbness of Biden and his minions. Or would that be under Obama and his minions, with Biden as the lead minion? Because it doesn’t seem so far-fetched that this is the case currently.
The only people denying that any of the above has happened, are the ones that are trying hard to convince us that it is all Trump’s fault. Orange man bad!
These asshats have been blaming Trump since day one and are still blaming him for the shit that’s hitting the proverbial fan. Not that that’s unexpected. Democrats have a massive problem accepting responsibility for the things they fuck up. And let’s face it, even decent democrats (surprisingly there are a few out there), are embarrassed by their own party. I mean, what the actual fuck was Robert DeNiro thinking when he decided it would be a good idea to start bashing Trump in public? Justice prevailed in that case though, with his previous friend, Kevin Costner, cancelling a $30 Million payday job for DeNiro because of his unprofessional and unwarranted, tirade against The Donald! A move that would have made Costner’s character in ‘Yellowstone’, John Dutton, proud.
Personally, I’d like to have seen the character of ‘Rip’ deal with DeNiro by taking him to the ‘station’. (If you haven’t seen ‘Yellowstone’, the ‘station’ is a secluded area between Montana and Wyoming where those that had the ‘Y’ brand but broke certain rules or were no longer fit to represent the brand, were shot and pushed into a ravine.)
With war still raging in the Ukraine with billions and billions of your tax-dollars still being sent to furnish Zelensky’s lavish lifestyle, it is so freaking obvious to everyone except Democrats, that the money is being laundered and going back to the Biden Crime Syndicate.
The Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi are freaking out at the possibility that DJT will become POTUS #47, because he wants to have people like her investigated for fraudulent trading. I mean, c’mon, a salary of $174,000 a year and she’s now worth approximately $56 million? And AOC is now worth $30 million on the same salary? In just 5 or 6 years? Gee, where do I sign up for THAT investment opportunity?! It was just sheer coincidence then that Pelosi, before being fired as Speaker of the House, enacted a law/rule that no member of Congress can be investigated for financial irregularities.
And now not only is the American economy in free-fall faster than diarrhea caused from a bad tortilla, but the possibility of Americans going to war – again – is looking more and more real, as the warmongers in power want to bring back the Draft for those aged 18 – 26, including women. It’s happening in the UK too.
We’re being set up for war!
It will be a war that no-one can win, despite the moronic power hungry leader of ChYna, Xi Jinping, thinking he could beat America! (laughable). It makes sense now though why all the elitists are building underground bunkers. Although, let’s be realistic here – no bunker is going to keep you safe from the power of nuclear weapons available today. And even if it did, it’s only a matter of time before foot-soldiers find you and do to you what Hamas did to CHILDREN on October 7th 2023!
By the way – if you’re one of those morons shouting “FREE PALESTINE!” on social media but not in public, because let’s face it, you live in a nice area and don’t want people to think you’re a nut job, if you’re one of those types of people, you’re part of the problem and you’re basically supporting the torture, rape and murder of innocent people, by people that CHEERED when the Twin Towers were taken down with the lost of 2,997 lives! Which makes you despicable. And probably a Democrat.
Freedom of speech is a God-given right of course, but CNN wants to censor conservative media from reporting on the upcoming debate between Trump and Biden. Although it should be a no-brainer, that Biden will run from a script, because let’s face it, he’s not capable of thinking for himself! CNN moderators have already said that they will have the power to cut off microphones and if the previous debate is anything to go by, they’re going to be highly critical and demeaning towards the presidential nominee .

And let’s not forget how since being in the WhiteHouse, Democrats have constantly stomped over the rights of children to be free and protected from abuse, including trans-gender surgery (bullshit), the right to use whatever pronouns they want to (bullshit), and the push for grown adults to have sex with CHILDREN! Personally, I’d have zero problem with anyone putting a bullet in the head of any child sex-abuser!
I guess it remains to be seen where all this will go, but I have no doubt that Democrats will cheat the election in November, again, and blame it all on Trump if they get caught. That’s unless of course we’ve all been blown to pieces before the election, or had our houses burned down to ash by a laser-guided weapon from space, or gone to civil war with the 11 million illegal immigrants that Dumbocrats will have to get the votes they need to legitimately win this time!
It’s a shit-show folks, and you’re in it whether you want to be or not.