• Tue. Oct 8th, 2024


Global Informative News Truth - Because ALL Truth Matters!



Many people have been emailing us and asking what they need to do to get a refund from GIN for dues, membership fees, event fees and product fees.

If you’ve tried contacting the GIN offices recently and asked for a refund of your fees, you have more than likely been passed from pillar to post, or not received a reply at all! Seems to be standard practice for the GIN office lately.

But do not dismay oh enlightened one! For there is a way that thou canst be the bearer of goodeth tidings! Okay…can’t keep that up…

Yes, there IS a way for you to get a refund from GIN, without having to go through the foray of GIN hoops and bullpoop! How? Through your bank! It’s called a Charge Back and quite simply, is exactly what it says.

As one Facebook user noted:

GIN REFUND!!! This was just posted by Mario Valenzuela. He called his bank today and got 4 months of dues charged back to his card!

Ok more on that chargeback. Well I did it and it actually works. However, there is a few things you need to write down first or you might stumble on your feet while you are on the phone. I may have got lucky because I am a paypal advatange member and they always help those of us who are paypal advantage members……. but anways let me tell you how all this works. So I called and I just basicaly stated “charge back for fraudulent transactions”. There are two things you need for this charge back.

1. Make sure you have all the dates they charged you.

2. Also the amount that was charged.

They will ask for these when you tell them the frauduelnt transactions. Now here is the funny part. They will also ask ” Well why was it fraudulent…..” ” What was the product based on” LOL Make sure you have a good statement before you call your Credit Card company. I was litearlly about to burst out laughing trying to explain why it was fradualent because I did not want to sound like a retard or some brainwashed idiot. I basicaly told them that the club was suppose to give teaching by top billionares around the world but later on I found out that it was done by only one person. Just make sure to keep repeating that it was all based on fraud and misleading. Also to help you out on your side. Make sure you have an email of GIN saying that they will not refund you for this also helps. Paypal lady told me that for now they could only do 4 months back but later they may can do more. She also said they are going to be contacting me more on the basis of fraud. Thats where Abe Husein comes in with that first news video blowing the lid off of it and also those FTC court documents. They are gonna want some of that later. Other than that it took about 15 minutes (mainly because I was laughing and trying to describe the fraud) other than that I hope this helps out some of you. Not to sure how your banks treat you but paypal has always served me well especially with ebay and fraudsters on there.

And if you used a pre-paid card, don’t worry, there is help for you too. Just click here to find out what your options are.

In the video below, Abe Husein – the man who started all this so that you don’t have to lose money anymore – explains what a Charge Back is, what you need to do and how your bank can help you.

Charge Backs are a legally recognised method of refunding via your bank in the USA and other countries. You have nothing to lose by trying – the only way you lose is if you are still allowing GIN to put your money from your card/bank, in to Trudeau’s pocket!


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I like truth. I like honesty. I like seeing people get what they paid for. I hate scammers.

One thought on “Charge Back – Your bank is on your side!”
  1. Thank you for posting this. Abe Husein did such a good job with all of this. Trying to get everyone to receive part of the money they lost from GIN back. I know that only a small portion of those scammed will get charge backs. But, each and everyone of them count as the good in this battle.

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