Update: January 1st 2014: Janine sends out another email trying to scam you of your money. See additional email quoted at the end of the post.
This big sick machine continues to spew forth spam world vomit and cockroaches. This time, it’s Kevin’s ex-girlfriend, Janine Nubani Contursi, on the “guidance” of KT, she now wants to share information with you. Well, not you personally, because you’re not worthy. It’s only for the “top few people” she knows.

Just as you thought it was safe to come out into the open and live a normal life, knowing your money is still in your bank / wallet / pocket, another dollar-hungry cockroach slinks out of its hiding place and wants to devour your humanity, senses and savings.
Janine Nubani Cortursi, once the partner of Trudeau, now wants to run GIN or something similar to it, herself. And where did she get her ideas from for this latest scam…I mean…scheme?
Kevin Trudeau. Prisoner No.18046-036. In a jail cell for the 3rd time in less than 2 months – and likely to be there until next year, pending a further sentencing for civil and criminal fraud charges.
Great source of legitimate thinking there Janine! I think not!
Here’s the email she doesn’t want us lower life forms to see:
“From: Janine Nubani Contursi
Date: Fri, Nov 22, 2013
Subject: Hello!
To:The reason I am writing you is to first and foremost thank you for the great times we had together in GIN the past few years. Those are times and memories that I will treasure always. I thank you immensely for that.
Since losing my job it has given me much time to reflect on the experience we shared the past few years and I have come to the conclusion that I would very much like it to continue. The experience wasn’t just a job it became a family and I would like to keep the family together. But at the same time I also need to earn an income and with the recent announcement about the affiliate program many others do as well.
These are the questions I have been asking of myself and the people I know. Most of all I would like to have an opportunity that together, we can start at the top, be paid for who we are, who we know, and what we have done in the past. If only that could happen. Well I am fortunate to know someone who has done this before. So I went to Kevin and with his guidance, I have found the answer to these questions and I would like to share it with you. This Saturday (the 23rd) at 7:00 PM Central Standard Time, I will be hosting a conference call to go over what Kevin has strongly suggested that I do to accomplish this. I would like to invite you to be on this call.
Being that this is a personal and private call, please RSVP by email as soon as possible and I will forward you the call details. Please respect the private nature of this call.
Kevin suggested that “to start, I first only share this with the top few people I know”. So this call is not open to the public, it is a private invitation for you to listen to the plan we have to keep our family together.
I appreciate your friendship,
Janine Nubani
P.S. Please email back to RSVP and receive the call in details.
P.S.S Please keep this confidential – Thank you!”
Your favourite Cosmic Slut former prostitute with Aids, has this post and further details on her blog.
Still waiting on further details of what was said on the call, but will bring it to you here when I get it. If I get it. With the decreasing numbers of GIN staff, information is getting harder to sneak out.
However, according to Honest Abe, the info has been literally pouring in to him and he is responsible for getting it all out to the masses!

And sadly MySweetAngel, no, GIN is not “finally over”. So sorry to disappoint you. At this stage, the Receiver is in talks with several key members of GIN, with an upcoming court case for Intervenors to be able to step in and take-over GIN. More on that another time.
And serial scammer, Joe Vitale is back on the scene and being touted to help the flagging IMBSingU Club of Coldwell and Wink. Connie has that story here.
Seems like everyone wants a piece of the big GIN fish, but want to make sure the main fisherman stays behind bars, so they can all get a bigger bite. Ironically, they’re now in a feeding frenzy and biting each other!
UPDATE: January 1st, 2014: Janine sends out a new email, trying to scam your money from you, to pay for the conman’s lawyers:
Here is an email I just got from Natural Cures. >>>>>>>>>
NaturalCures.com Your Alternative to Drugs and Surgery™
Can’t view this email properly? – View online
Natural CuresHelp us support Kevin at Christmas!
Unfortunately, Kevin will not be able to spend Christmas with his loved ones…but let’s come together and give him a great BIG Christmas gift!!
Well he should have thought about that before he stole millions of dollars and conned thousands of their life-savings! – Editor
Once again Kevin’s closest friends are masterminding to help Kevin and support his legal defense. The Lawyers are very busy filing appeals, organizing sentencing letters, and just plain old fighting this incarceration.
So we are all gathering together for a spectacular weekend of fund raising to insure that they do their job! Kevin needs us now more than ever! Your support is so vital.
The terrific Ed Foreman, the noble Dr. Tom Morter and special guests will all be on stage sharing never heard before mastermind secrets. There will also be a special reading by Janine of a message directly from KT to you!
For a $1000.00 contribution you may attend the seminar held on Sunday, January 26th at The Renaissance Hotel at LAX Airport. BUT IF YOU CONTRIBUTE IN THE NEXT 5 DAYS WE WILL DISCOUNT THIS TO only $750.00!!! DON’T DELAY. It will be from 9am- 2pm. We will have a special hotel room rate available – just reference The KT Legal Fund
For a $2500.00 contribution you will receive an invitation to attend a private dinner with all of us on Saturday evening the 25th at the Renaissance Hotel. BUT IF YOU CONTRIBUTE IN NEXT 5 DAYS WE WILL DISCOUNT THIS TO $1750.00!!! SIGN UP NOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL PRICING. Get a chance to sit next to and dine with these coveted speakers and raise our glasses to toast KT…
For $500.00 you can receive the audio of this seminar.
We hope you can join us in support of our incredibly brave and courageous friend during this Holiday Season.
Please contribute at the link below
With Sincere Appreciation,
Or you can have the audio for just $500! ROFL! The sick machine twists on and on, hoping you’ll see past the lies and theft of your money, while the conman sits in a prison cell, as Janine writes updates purportedly to be from KT himself.
These people are despicable and do not deserve the time of day, no matter how successful and rich they appear to be. Especially when their deluded leader claims he has no money, is in prison and is not the poster child for prosperity and success that he claims to be!