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Global Informative News Truth - Because ALL Truth Matters!

Month: July 2014

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  • Coldwell continues with his vile lies. His followers stupid enough to believe him without proof.

Coldwell continues with his vile lies. His followers stupid enough to believe him without proof.

UPDATE: July 19th 2014: See bottom of this post for additional info. Leonard Coldwell is still spewing forth his lies, with the assistance of his live in lover, Amy Chappell…

Coldwell reposts his lies and defamation – has his website removed! Thanks to yours truly! :)

Despite receiving a warning from his hosting company just two weeks ago after posting these lies and more, and having his pages removed as a result, Coldwell tries to repost…

Failing at discrediting others, Loony Coldwell tries to re-polish his image. And fails. Again.

Coldwell proves again, just why he’s an absolute moron! So I wasn’t planning on doing any posts for a while. Not until the weekend at least, but then Loony Coldwell…

Abe Husein – Romantic of the Year? I think not!

If Abe was paid for the stupidity he comes out with – he’d have more money than he lost trying to scam the GIN system! And with this bit of…

Loony Coldwell still a lying scummy scammer – Interpol never heard of me!

In the previous post, I gave you the screenshots of Leonard Coldwell’s bullshit and lies from June 20th on his facebook account. So I decided, against my better judgement, to…