• Mon. Feb 10th, 2025


Global Informative News Truth - Because ALL Truth Matters!

Peter Wink

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Are you being taken for A-Ryde?

In his latest addition to his scam list, the pimple-faced-sue-happy-clueless-about-business Abe Husein continues his hate campaign against giant share ride magnate Uber, by affiliating with Dashride. [dropcap]A[/dropcap]be Husein continues to…

Peter Wink’s NEW Scam & hate filled resentment of his critics…& those pesky LazyMan’s that he swept under the carpet!

Peter Wink hasn’t been in the spotlight much in the past year or so. But he’s recently resurfaced with a new scam, even though he has yet to pay back…

Lenny hates Obama, Jewish people and now gay folk, too!

As America legalises same-sex marriage across the nation, Leonard Coldwell just can’t help himself and spews forth more anti-gay comments on social media, and then some! America is changing these…

Peter Wink Under Scrutiny by T. Donahue.

All posts by guests are guest opinions and or writings. Gintruth.com does not agree or disagree with guest posts but believes in the right to freedom of speech and expression.…

Coldwell’s got a nose for cancer. I’ve got a nose for bullshit!

You couldn’t make this stuff up! Unless you’re a successful Hollywood story writer or book author of noble standing. Loony Leonard Coldwell is neither [dropcap]L[/dropcap]eonard Coldwell never ceases to amaze…

Irony: Haters talking about being hated.

Some people just can’t handle their critics. While some, like Abe Husein, handle theirs with a bit more dignity than say, Leonard Coldwell. Either way though, it’s interesting to note…

Coldwell is willing to pay for ‘Revenge Insurance’

Coldwell once again shows his true colours. And he’s willing to pay to have people hurt, violated or even killed! This time the Napoleonic belly bulger has really outdone himself.…

Ebola cures, Civil War and Hatred for the Police.

Coldwell continues to make unfounded claims regarding his education status, while Abe blurts out more hatred for the police, and Sarah chimes in with her cure for the Ebola virus!…

Stay in the kitchen bitches!! – That’s the sentiment from Abe Husein!

Just when you thought it was safe to start feeling like an equal, this douche-bag opens his mouth without thinking – again! He’d been relatively quiet of late, but as…

Coldwell changes website info while continuing to spout his racial hatred for non-Americans and then some!

Loony Lenny, the fake doctor, continues to spout anti-government proclamations, while also changing his website info, that reflects his claims of cancer curing. Sadly for Lenny, there are plenty of…