• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025


Global Informative News Truth - Because ALL Truth Matters!

The balding little perv has only been back on Facebook for a day after being banned from his English page for anti-Semitism, racism and hate speech, and is back to writing his bullshit lies in order to gain support for his flagging popularity.

Coldwell now claims that he has the largest TV station in Berlin. But Lord only knows what that has to do with the picture he used.
Coldwell now claims that he has the largest TV station in Berlin. But Lord only knows what that has to do with the picture he used.

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]eonard Coldwell has been banned from Facebook more times than card counter in a Las Vegas casino. His recent 30 day ban came as a result of his usual spiel of hatred towards Muslims, Jews and Gays.

Not only is he back to start spreading his hate, he’s wasting no time with his lies, to add to the ones of having an alleged 8 Ph.D’s (which would be a world record), having cured 35,000 people of cancer – which would be at a rate of 2.39 people every single day for the past 40 years, or that he’s more well-known than Chuck Norris in the martial arts world – he’s now claiming he has more than 100 Billion Euros (approximately $110 billion US Dollars)- although he originally claimed that it was $100 billion and that was supposed to be way more than 100 billion Euros – and that he’s going to have a meeting with none other than Russian premier – Vladimir Putin.

So, here’s the latest bullshit from his Facebook:

He's the richest man in the world! Even Bill Gates is poor compared to Leonard Coldwell!
He’s the richest man in the world! Even Bill Gates is poor compared to Leonard Coldwell!

Bill Gates is worth a mere $80 billion and Warren Buffet just $65 billion! These are facts that the whole world knows because such finance is public knowledge! But now here we have Leonard Coldwell, the foremost fake doctor on the planet and tax evading conman, with a fortune of $100 billion!

The thing with liars is, they can never get their information correct!
The thing with liars is, they can never get their information correct!

The only thing worth more of a laugh than his continuous bullshit, are the absolute MORONS who support him and continue to believe in him!

And yet he claims that ‘Big Pharma’ is paying me, Connie and Jason to disparage him on the internet…to the tune of $42 million apparently. If there were any truth in that (which there isn’t), then he could always make a counter-offer and pay me to stop writing the truth about him!

Actually, I lied…he couldn’t pay me enough to stop exposing him for the lying rapist he is!

World's biggest liar.
World’s biggest liar.


I like truth. I like honesty. I like seeing people get what they paid for. I hate scammers.

3 thoughts on “He’s baaaaccckkk…and he’s $100 billion richer AND going to start his own country!!”
  1. Hilarious post, Bernie. But honestly, I think the bourbon is seriously diminishing what little cognitive abilities Lenny had. His lies just keep getting more grandiose and progressively sillier.

    One point I noticed was that in all of the posts he wrote immediately after getting out of Facebook jail, Lenny didn’t make one mention of having been “banned” because of his pro-Trump posts. Yet his Trump advocacy was the excuse he gave at the beginning of his 30-day suspension. Post-suspension, he is only blaming the NWO. Maybe he just doesn’t remember the lie he told previously. Well, that WAS 30 days ago, and probably (at least 30) bottles ago as well.

    I wonder if the “Land” that he insinuates that he bought is that 130-plus acre tract, in South Carolina near the Georgia border, that he was boasting about for a short while in April of 2013. We never heard any more about it after that first string of boasts. But I remember that back in 2013 he mentioned that he was going to use the land to build a big clinic/medical compound where, according to him, there would be no restrictions on the types of “treatments” used to cure cancer and every other disease. (I shudder at the thought of unrestricted “hands on healing.”) He also said that he was going to build a residential compound, and that he was working on “town rights” and would eventually turn the lot into a sovereign country.

    Frankly, I don’t think he bought any land back in April of 2013 and I don’t think he has bought any land (or any lake house, or any other property) since then. He is just using his Facebook pages as a vision board, and a few people are still idiotic enough to take him seriously.

    1. Couldn’t agree more, Connie! He’s made so many boasts over the years and then never mentioned them again, surely even his most die-hard followers have to have some doubt in their minds?
      Just as we have never heard anything about his land grab of 2013, we’ve also heard nothing more of his house, his horse-ranches, the Mercedes Benz cars he claimed to have purchased, etc.

      How can any guy who apparently only owns one suit that is worn constantly, afford to buy so much, never mention it again and expect people to believe him?

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